1986 LEAF Baseball

**NEW** This week

I have a full box of extra 1986 LEAF Baseball [not Donruss]

If you are in need of any of these cards to complete your set, send me a WANTLIST and I will fill what I can.

5 cards for $1, S/H TBD.

* mostly commons and minor stars. Any value cards I have are $1 each

1989 Pro Set Football

**Still Available**    

This week: 1989 ProSet Football

I have the following:

1. Complete Set

2. Partial Set

3. Team Sets

4. Pick'em - Complete Your Set

5. Errors & Variations

6. Value Cards - Stars and Rookie Cards.

7. Inserts and Related Sets & Cards.

IF you need anything ---1989 Proset Football --- email BOBSCARDZ@aol.com

I might even have some gum, lol.

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14.02 | 13:46

14.02 | 13:42

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16.09 | 23:40


16.09 | 23:39


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Contact: bobscardz@aol.com